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Hipotronics X-Wave - lokalizator uszkodzeń w kablach WN

Hipotronics X-Wave - lokalizator uszkodzeń w kablach WN, foto 1
Hipotronics X-Wave - lokalizator uszkodzeń w kablach WN
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Hipotronics X-Wave - lokalizator uszkodzeń w kablach WN - opis

Hipotronics X-WAVE is a fully self contained, battery operated and weatherproof unit. The controller is microprocessor-based with large weather tight push buttons and optical encoder knob with user-friendly sequencing for ease of operation. The integrated emergency stop button, isolated return, and unique mechanical design ensures user safety. The Hipotronics X-WAVE was specifically designed to shorten restoration time and increase productivity for today’s utilities, resulting in an improved SAIDI index.